all postcodes in ML2 / WISHAW

find any address or company within the ML2 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML2 8AA 9 55.773031 -3.918295
ML2 8AB 0 55.771124 -3.916686
ML2 8AN 10 55.772947 -3.918886
ML2 8AF 1 55.772514 -3.91685
ML2 8AG 10 55.771294 -3.916121
ML2 8AH 0 55.772359 -3.916412
ML2 8AJ 0 55.770759 -3.91356
ML2 8AL 1 55.769969 -3.912931
ML2 8AP 3 55.772932 -3.920012
ML2 8AR 7 55.77305 -3.920544
ML2 8AS 0 55.771994 -3.920252
ML2 8AT 0 55.771934 -3.921748
ML2 8AU 1 55.771329 -3.921368
ML2 8AW 1 55.773138 -3.919278
ML2 8AX 0 55.769827 -3.920289
ML2 8AY 0 55.768898 -3.903808
ML2 8AZ 0 55.771117 -3.920018
ML2 8BA 0 55.770399 -3.919361
ML2 8BB 0 55.769829 -3.919062
ML2 8BD 0 55.769973 -3.917841